Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Flat tires and sweat bands

Hi there party people. Well. . . looks like I busted a tire. The top of my right foot has this painful bruise feeling lump on it. All of my googling self diagnosis has landed me with the finishing conclusion that I either put on too many miles for my feet to handle - I laced my shoes too tight - or my shoes are ill fitting .. . or i'm doing too much high intensity cardio.

Either way - I need to chill for a few days. It is a shame because I really love running along the forests edge each morning. - Yes I live on the edge of a forest. There is a long stretch of back road near my beautiful home, and though there are times I don't like the long drive I have to make to go shopping or visit friends, - I really love this aspect. Peace and quiet. Peaceful country. . . or swamp.

I've been trying to run more outside as mentioned previously because I became such an indoor girl and was freaked out at the half marathon of the humidity.
This morning I decided to just go out and do two miles easy and then go all out in the RPM 54 spin class with the girls.

Around the last quarter mile I suddenly felt heroic! I was jammin' down the road happy as a clam - feelin' strong! Lovin' life! Breathing the humidity as if it were crisp clear mountain air!! Then BLAST. Something felt odd. Like I wanted to crack my foot but it wouldn't pop over. I went to spin an could feel this occasional weakness in my knees - like an odd sort of buckling. When I got home later and removed my shoes and socks I noticed a lump on the top of my right foot just at the base of the second toe. Its deep down though - not surfaced a lot. It feels like a hard bruised mini egg. Ice- tiger balm. . .and chill.
I really don't want to chill out. I look forward to my morning adventures. every day its different- every day I'm taken to a new place of feelin' fine! When I miss work outs - heads roll!

Anyway speaking of heads. I'm really into sweat bands. I have several but I won't wear them out in public yet. They never stay on my head!! I want so bad to look cool in a sweat band LOL. I see all these cute girls with their cone heads that hold sweat bands and I'm jealous!!. . .Though I was jealous . . I must admit - I am no longer! I've found that my round head can hold a sweat band . . but in a different way. It is more of a Red Sonja or Princess Leia style - More of a Pocahontas - More Karate Kid - More Rambo!!
With a round head - the sweat band stays on if you wear it ON the forehead and not just as a headband. I think it looks rad! Though many would disagree. . . I'm going to rock these sweat bands because I'm tired of my eyes burning with the sweat that pours into my eyes! I had to change my facial moisturizer to pure organic jojoba oil because other moisturizers would just burn my face and eyes as soon as I began sweating. I'm someone who NEEDS moisturizer. I feel naked without it. Trust me I've tried nearly every kind of lotion and potion. The thing I love about jojoba oil is that it acts like part of your body. The skin and eyes do not fight it!

I only wear the jojoba oil for indoor workouts - there is a part of me that revolts against the idea of greasing up to run in the sun!!
Alright - signing off for now, I will keep you updated on my foot progress. <3

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