Thursday, February 6, 2014

Permits Plan Changes and Dave

My Permit to Enter Canada Arrived YAY!
My Backcountry Permit is also electronically filled out -and the physical copy signed and in the mail off to the PCTA. On the website it asks if you plan to enter the MT. Whitney zone at any time . . . naturally I said YES. . . I was then prompted to pay 15 $ for the zone entry. I thought . . . okay I suppose I pay! So in goes the card number and then I find out I didn't have to pay the 15$ because I am entering from a different way- or my backcountry pass covers it . .. some thing UGH.
SO - if you are considering this hike in the future - or about to fill out this PCT LONG DISTANCE PERMIT REQUEST - please remember my folly!
Oh well- there is an added donation I guess- no problem.

I've been in a lot of turmoil over the fact that I do not have a dedicated friend to hike this adventure with me. The only friend I have who is even remotely interested in this is my old friend David.
Here is Dave and I in Washington last year when I went to the Pacific Northwest and was just gobsmacked with the beautiful heavy green trees!!! - and RAIN. . . It was this trip to the world of rain that made me hungry to see more of this lush forested place. The seeds of my Pacific Crest Trail hike were planted here - but cemented later last summer when I road tripped Oregon.

Dave is my MAP MASTER and person I have been completely freaking out on with every nerdy detail about planning my trip. If he wasn't such an anal . . .I mean meticulous dude- I'm sure he would have somehow strangled me through the phone by now! =)
Talking to Dave throughout the entire planning process has been wonderful. He is an exceptional Marine Navigator and has taught me how to use my map and compass properly. Also he has explained several things about my Garmin GPS that is helpful. Dave is the kind of friend I can totally be myself with. - This is a big deal because most people get a specific version of my personality that is quite watered down and palatable. Dave however can handle me at my best and worst. . . and he hasn't killed me yet- so I view him to be a true friend. lol poor Dave - I know I'm a handful. Sorry!!

I am currently putting together a box full of stuff I will and might need along the way, as well as random junk. He lives in Washington and is happy to mail me my stuff along the way. IE Bear Canister and sections of maps, clothes, food. -etc. thank you thank you thank you! - Also he will be the one to collect me at the end of the trail as well as be my west coast emergency contact.
Even though he can't hike the trail with me this year, just knowing I have a good friend who isn't TOOOO far away is a great peace of mind.
Speaking of friends, I have been having a lot of fun chatting with the PCT Class of 2014 Facebook page. Everyone is getting ramped up and asking all of the usual gear questions . . though I noticed the big shift to REAL planning questions now with regards to resupply strategies and water availability.

I've had this thought in my mind that I will just FLY to San Diego and Check in at the Hilton. Enjoy a gorgeous bridge view as I privately freak out about the upcoming trek -- sleep for a couple days then go grocery shopping and hit the trail.
Though I am terrified about hiking alone - and would much rather work out my kinks and silly jitters alone than burden others with it. . .
- I also want to experience the social aspect and really . . . just not be alone in the desert LOL.
LO and BEHOLD - Laura appears! She kindly invited me to join her group who is starting out April 3rd, 2014. I had been super set in my brain - I'll start the 4th - the 4th - the 4th . . .this starts the 4th . . .HA. But now I'm realizing that this is my opportunity to enjoy the trail and start this adventure off with shining clean gear and other sparkly fun people - WITH the hope of cheering and posing for photos with them again at the northern terminus many months from now!

- I stayed up all last night tossing and turning - deciding what I will do. . . and at 5:30 am I chose to go with this friendly group of people . Nothing is set in stone to stay with people but - it is very comforting to at least start out with them. I expressed my concern that I might be too slow to keep up with them - and she assured me that there are all speeds! So far about 6 of us.

I fly in April 2nd to San Diego where I will be picked up by people named Scout and Frodo! I have already gotten a very detailed and friendly email that answers all my questions! My flight lands early evening. I have time to go grocery shopping . . maybe take one last shower? and then BLAM! They take us at 6 am to the trail head to begin!

1 comment:

  1. You will meet tons of people. I think only the people who want to hike alone, hike alone. MonkeyBars ps maybe we will see you in WA, but I'm thinking it might be too early. Sectioning--in late July, the rest of the state I did not finish last year.


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