Wednesday, January 29, 2014

RAAAR!! Anticipation!

Anticipation is rising.
This room is my sanctuary. 

I lay on my back staring at the four posters of my bed. I inspect the deep glossy shine of the mahogany wood and the beautiful curve of each post against the deep purple walls I painted. I can smell the faint lemon oil polish I applied last week as well as the bright scent of grapefruit and roses which happen to be my current blend of favorite perfumes and lotions. I pull the rich ruby red comforter up under my chin and listen to the gentle tick tick tick of the ceiling fan.
I wonder what propelled me to begin planning an extended trip that would take me away from my favorite safe place.
It has been 6 months of non stop planning. Everything has been considered, researched, questioned, tried on for size, broken, junked, replanned, coveted, and returned.
I believe only someone truly passionate about backpacking -- OR someone completely obsessive - can take on this sort of endeavor!


So --I've been intensely working out for the last month. Yes ONE WHOLE MONTH. I definitely FEEL stronger and better . . .though honestly the closer the time gets to leaving for my trip - the more anxious I become. I have completed all of my gear collecting and I feel very confident with my choices.

The flight is booked to San Diego and I am excited to spend a couple days there checking out the Gas Lamp area and the San Diego Zoo. .. . I'm dying to see a panda. If you know anything about me I'm bonkers for pandas!!!

Though all the planning is settling -  I'm trying to rein in my crazy energy. I know it must be spilling out of me - a mixture of fear and excitement - longing - question marks! I don't even want to be around people because I know my craziness is filling the air and someone will suspect how truly unhinged I really am. LOL.

The only thing that seems to keep this nervousness all in check is the constant daily grind of going to my workout at Agility as well as loading up my pack with literally EVERYTHING I plan to carry including food and water. I'm at 27lbs now which feels alright.  . . I noticed carrying 4 liters of water was breaking my back - but 3 liters is good. ALSO I traded out my MSR 4 liter Dromedary bag that just kind of sloshed around like a heavy unanchored ocean- for one of these 3 liter Osprey bags that has a firm backing and structure. . .it just seems to sit nicer and placed perfectly.

My first hike out with the pack loaded was actually pretty brutal. My arms were screaming. I totally loaded my pack wrong. It was as if a giant HAND FROM ABOVE was pressing down heavily upon my shoulders as I trudged on in the relentless flat nowhere of sw Florida. . . ok ya that was dramatic. . but STILLLLLLLL - Thats how it felt!

As the weeks pour on - I've gotten pretty good at organizing my pack to be JUST SO. And now I'm thinking about details that normally would escape my attention . . .

For example I woke up this morning thinking about my 3 lbs of nutritional shake powder I'm carrying and how RANK it smells if you don't clean it out pronto.

If you drink protein shakes you know exactly what I'm talking about!! -  I'm wondering if I will have enough water to sufficiently keep this cup from smelling horrible - and if I really have enough food to bring along.  It is one thing to hike for several miles then go home shower and be tucked in bed each night - and another to hike and then sleep out there- somewhere.

I'm wondering how the hell I'm going to make this happen since I pretty much conk out each day after 90 mins strength training and 6 mile weighted pack hike.

- My crazy fears about bears checking out my tent are getting drowned out by pure energy. - which is a good thing. I kind of freak out a little thinking about bears. 

There are 2 months between me and the trail now. That is 8 more weeks of workouts and sticking to my diet. I've lost 10 lbs. Which should help my joints out. . . . Hoping to lose as much as I can before making it to California so I can travel quickly and efficiently. 

I will keep you posted. . . <3 xoxox


  1. I like protein shakes but four months of them...? I've only done two three week sections of the Pct so far but I was amazed at what I craved and what I did not. I especially did not crave what was in my resupply!

  2. What were you surprised you craved the most? =D


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